Mammal Society Appeal - Hogs On Roads 2020

Last year we asked you to help record hedgehog sightings and ran an appeal to raise money to fund research into hedgehog road deaths. Thanks to your help, we have now identified hotspots where hedgehogs are most at risk on roads. Click here to view our interactive map, which is free for communities and local authorities to use.

However, the work doesn’t stop there...

Thousands of hedgehogs die annually on Britain's roads. The last estimate, made in 2016, put the figure at between 167,000 and 335,000 animals. With the current estimated number of live hedgehogs in Britain believed to be around 500,000, it doesn’t take a maths genius to work out that the situation is dire.

Does slowing down for hedgehogs make a difference?

We want to continue to track the progress of hedgehogs and carry out vitally needed research into the best method of preventing road deaths. In particular we want to find out if introducing speed limits in high risk areas might be a way of reducing hedgehog mortality on roads.

We need your help

Currently the Mammal Society receives no government funding for its core activities and relies on contributions via donations, legacies and memberships to continue. Any contribution you can make to our Hogs on Roads 2020 appeal will allow us to continue this important work to help conserve what is one of Britain’s most iconic mammal species.

Please click on the button below and donate today. Thank you!

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