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The Local Groups Network
Our Local Groups Network supports a growing movement of mammal enthusiasts across the British Isles and Ireland.
A day out in the field recording harvest mice (Micromys minutus) with Cornwall Mammal Group
Local mammal groups bring together those with a shared enthusiasm for the local environment and the mammals within it. They work to share knowledge, raise awareness, survey, and monitor local mammals. They also provide local expertise and training in field skills, hold talks and events, and support the work of the Mammal Society.
About the Local Groups Network
Supported by the Mammal Society, our Local Groups Network supports citizen scientists who are recording mammals to connect, share experiences, ideas and expertise.
Our local groups are made up of volunteers who carry out vital surveys and projects, such as searching for harvest mouse nests or surveying for otters, so we can gather a better idea of how mammals are faring across the British Isles. Without them, we wouldn't be able to identify conservation priorities for our most endangered and least monitored mammals.
Explore the Local Groups Network
Discover a group near you and join alongside like-minded individuals who are dedicated to safeguarding mammals.
We’ve raised £5k to set up 3 new urban mammal groups
Thanks to your support, we successfully raised £5,000 to help us establish 3 new mammal groups in London, Cardiff, and Glasgow. With these mammal groups, we aim to get more people get involved with conservation and expand our knowledge of mammals in urban areas across the British Isles.
Watch our crowdfunding video below to find out more about why gathering data in urban areas is important.
Are you already part of a local group?
Access the Local Group Resources page for information, guides, training opportunities, our equipment loan scheme, and for updates and opportunities for (and from) the Local Groups Network.
Get involved in a project
Find out which of our current projects you can get involved in.
Join the network
Connect with other local groups and share knowledge and experience.
Local Group Directory
Find a local group near where you live or set one up if there isn’t one.