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Key Local Group Resources

Bulletin Board:

11/12/24 - Nationwide

Call for Collaboration: Help Advance Harvest Mouse Conservation with Environmental DNA Research

We’ve been asked to share the below message with our Local Groups Network, if you can help Julie please email localgroups@themammalsociety.org and we’ll put you in touch!

My name is Dr Julie Jones-Diette and I am working on a research project on Harvest mouse conservation in the School of Life Sciences at the University of Nottingham. I am running a study to investigate the use of environmental DNA to assess biodiversity and ecology in small mammal populations. Environmental DNA is a novel method of small mammal population survey, and it is hoped will lead to improved methods for monitoring small mammals in the UK. My study will look for DNA in the reedbed environment using water samples with a specific focus on locating the DNA of the UK Harvest mouse from faecal samples left in the water. 

I am keen to identify a number of positive sites where evidence from other survey methods (capture - release studies and nest site survey) suggest Harvest mouse populations are present and where I can join the survey team to collect samples from the environmental for assessment of eDNA (water samples) as a comparison method. As the surveys are currently ongoing for the Harvest Mouse this is the perfect time to join the groups who may be trapping and work alongside them. 

I do hope you are able to assist me, owing to the seasonal ecology of the harvest mouse this work is quite time critical and we only have until March to collect the samples.