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Mammal blog
Get Mammal Society’s position on all things mammals. Featuring news, opinion, student research and more.
Assessing the ecological suitability of the Irish landscape for the Eurasian lynx
Student Spotlight by Colin Guilfoyle
Optimising health and welfare of harbour and grey seals in rehabilitation
Student Spotlight by Michal Zatrak
Otters as biomonitors of water quality in the Ribble Valley
Student Spotlight by Lucy Grinstead
How do small mammals respond to domestic dog olfactory cues?
Student Spotlight by Robert Black
Mapping Habitat Suitability for the Hazel Dormouse to Assist Reintroduction Site Selection
Student Spotlight by Melanie Baker
The deal with grey seals: human disturbance at haul-out sites
Student Spotlight by Rachel Roberts
Mammal Society Position Statement on the Protection of British Mammals
We need new environmental legislation which gives Britain's mammals the same level of protection as birds.
Rare sightings and seals by Fiona Mathews
New blog looks at rare and scarce sightings and why we could be seeing more of Wally the Walrus
Insects: a barometer for environmental health - National Insect Week
Max Anderson on why insects are a vital for maintaining and improving the status of Britain's wild animals
Mammal Society welcomes government commitment to ‘nature positive future’ in response to Dasgupta Report
Government response published 14 June 2021
Strong themes at G7 summit but decisive action needed to save wildlife
by Mammal Society Chair, Stephanie Wray
Investigating the behaviour of rehabilitated hedgehogs
an interview with Mammal Society council member Dawn Scott