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Our education strategy

We want to cultivate a society where comprehensive awareness and appreciation for British mammals and their ecology thrives, driven by engaged and informed young individuals and their communities who actively contribute to mammal conservation.

Student Volunteer, Robson, engaging with families at Festival of Nature, 2024.

Our educational strategy is guided by several key objectives aimed at fostering awareness and inspiring action:

  1. Foster Awareness and Understanding

    • Through our educational program, we aim to enhance awareness and understanding of British mammals, their ecology, and conservation needs.

    • Our resources are designed to engage students at all levels, providing them with the knowledge and skills necessary to appreciate and protect these vital species.

  2. Involvement in Monitoring and Recording

    • We encourage students from school to university, alongside their communities, to participate in the recording and monitoring of mammal species both on school grounds and within their local areas.

    • This hands-on involvement helps build a deeper connection to local wildlife and contributes valuable data to mammal conservation efforts.

  3. Inspire Active Conservation Efforts

    • By showcasing the importance of conservation, protection, and the study of mammals, we aim to inspire young people to actively participate in these fields.

    • We present these areas as viable and rewarding career paths, encouraging the next generation to become leaders in wildlife conservation.

  4. Provide Inclusive and Accessible Opportunities

    • Our platform is designed to be inclusive and accessible, ensuring that all young individuals have the opportunity to connect with British mammals.

    • We provide resources and opportunities that cater to diverse needs, promoting a broad engagement with wildlife conservation.

  5. Amplify Awareness and Engagement

    • We strive to amplify awareness of the Mammal Society's efforts and enhance engagement with our charity across diverse communities in the British Isles.

    • Through outreach and collaboration, we aim to build a network of passionate advocates for mammal conservation.