PC: Jason Perry
This two-day training course is designed to equip participants with the essential knowledge and practical skills for conducting small mammal surveys.
The course runs from 11am - 5.30pm on Saturday 19th October and 9am-4pm on Sunday 20th October.
This course provides an in-depth exploration of small mammal ecology, focusing on species such as mice, voles, and shrews. Participants will gain an understanding of the current status of these species, their ecological roles, and the relevant UK legislation surrounding them. The trainer will also cover the ethics, and welfare considerations of small mammal trapping and handling.
The course will cover the necessary licenses and resources required for small mammal surveys, including the use of Longworth traps. Practical sessions will include hands-on experience in capture, release, handling, weighing, and sexing of small mammals.
Trainer: Hazel Ryan
Hazel has worked in conservation for 27 years since graduating from Royal Holloway, University of London with a degree in Ecology. Her current role is Senior Conservation Officer at the Wildwood Trust, Kent, a British wildlife conservation charity, where she manages captive breeding programmes for native mammals including water voles and hazel dormice. She has monitored dormice for the National Dormouse Monitoring Programme since 1995. As a committee member of Kent Mammal Group she co-ordinates small mammal trapping surveys and dormouse training in the county. Hazel is a trustee of Kent Bat Group, a Volunteer Bat Roost Visitor and bat care co-ordinator for Kent. Hazel in an experienced trainer, teaching courses on a wide range of mammal species and co-author of the Mammals of Kent, the county Mammal Atlas published in 2015. She has appeared in many television programmes to talk about mammals including Countryfile, Springwatch, BBC Breakfast, Inside Out, CBeebies and Nature Nuts with Julian Clary. She also enjoys travelling abroad to trap and handle small mammals and bats.
We are committed to ensuring the accessibility of our training courses. If you require accommodations or have any accessibility concerns, please contact Fiona (training@themammalsociety.org) in advance, and we will be happy to assist you.
For booking terms and conditions click here.
*Please note - If not enough delegates book on to this course it may be postponed with two weeks notice, this is because we are a small charity and need to make sure our events are viable.