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Day and Night Vision Camera Systems - TMS Webinar

In this month's webinar, we'll be joined by Susan Young, author, photographer and member of the Mammal Society's Training committee. Hear from Susan in this online session as she provides an insightful introduction to these technologies and outlines the role that day and night vision camera systems can play in mammal detection and conservation. 

Susan , based in South Devon, has eight years of hands-on experience in developing night vision systems suitable for a wide range of wildlife applications, working with Natural England, the Woodland Trust, and the Mammal Society. Whether you're an ecologist, conservationist, or simply passionate about capturing wildlife on film, this webinar on Day and Night Vision Camera Systems  will elevate your expertise and show what can be achieved when technology meets enthusiasm for mammals.

This event will be held on the 7th of April 2024 at 7pm GMT via Zoom. Tickets are free, and any donations will go towards the conservation work of the Mammal Society.

Please note a link to the Zoom will be sent to you via email before the event starts, if you haven't received one please check your spam folders. If you are having trouble accessing the event contact the team at

We look forward to seeing you there!

We are committed to ensuring the accessibility of our training courses. If you require accommodations or have any accessibility concerns, please contact Fiona ( in advance, and we will be happy to assist you.

For booking terms and conditions click here.

*Please note - If not enough delegates book on to this course it may be postponed with two weeks notice, this is because we are a small charity and need to make sure our events are viable.

29 March

Mammal Society Annual General Meeting

10 April

Reviewing masterclass: how to review a manuscript for a journal